





坚持和平解决中印边境争端和冲突,是毛泽东基于国际国内大战略得出的科学结论。 1950 年代和 1960 年代,国际形势依然动荡。美苏为了实现称霸世界的野心,加强了对中间地带国家的争夺。中国周边安全形势更加严峻。面对复杂严峻的形势,毛泽东做出了正确的战略判断,认为国际形势总体是好的,可以争取十年到十五年的和平。












对于印军在中印边境挑起的武装冲突,毛泽东一方面告诫中国边防部队要提高警惕,加强边防,防止印军进攻。另一方面,提出中国边防部队“先接兵”、“接三房”,避免发生更大的武装冲突。 1959年11月,毛泽东在杭州召开中央工作会议。会议的一个重要议题是研究如何解决中印边界问题。



1960年5月10日,中国人民解放军总参谋部按照毛泽东的指示,在《西南边防条例》中明确规定:“不主动制造事端,不主动制造麻烦,不挑起争端,不越境”,“邻国”武装人员对我进行或大或小的跨境挑衅,我离我的国家不到30公里,我不会开火。” “在边境线附近停止边境巡逻。”与此同时,中国边防部队也单方面撤退,并规定双方在实际控制线中方一侧30公里范围内不得射击、巡逻、镇压、狩猎。两边;不打靶,不运动,20公里内不打猎。爆破,真正做到了“躲避”。

但是,中国的克制和克制,不仅没有让印度政府和军队克制,反而让他们认为中国政府和军队软弱,可以被欺负。 1961年以来,特别是1962年4月以来,印度当局在中印边境实施更大规模的“先行政策”,一步步向中国推进,挑起越来越大的武装冲突,印印度政府曾公开表示:印度政府将“动用武力”对付中国,并将中国军队从印军占领的中国领土上“清理干净”。


为了进一步克制和容忍,坚持不打第一枪,印军进一步侵占中国领土,毛泽东还制定了“武装并存,永不屈服”的新斗争方针。 1962年7月中旬,刘少奇、周恩来在书记处会议上汇报了中印边境西段反侵斗争的情况后,提出了两个对付侵略军的方案。加勒万河谷人民:新建立的据点被撤出,被中国边防部队包围的印军被武力驱逐;二是试图在不使用武力的情况下迫使印军撤退。

毛泽东听完报告后说:“印度在我们的领土上设了一个据点,我们完全有理由打,但现在我们要克制自己,不要急着打。”为什么?目的是进一步揭露尼赫鲁的真面目。现在尼赫鲁沾沾自喜,认为他的马虎战术非常有效。日前,印度报纸有消息称,尼赫鲁和梅农的战术是拿破仑的战术。我们现在坚持不打第一枪。我们的政策是八个字:永不屈服,避免流血。 "








在这种情况下,作为主要战略方向的东南地区也极有可能发生意想不到的变化。届时,我们将一事无成,一事无成,在两线作战中陷入被动,对国家利益造成更大损失。 因此,中印边境的争端和冲突不能掉以轻心。事实证明,及时解决中印边境争端和冲突,不仅成功解决了中国西南边境的安全问题,而且有效震慑了美国和蒋介石的反动势力,有效保障了中印边境安全问题。中国东南地区这一重大战略方向的安全。



然而,在中印边境战争不可避免的情况下,毛泽东采取了印、拉苏、威慑美国的策略。即以对印斗争为主导,通过对印斗争,支持和配合对苏特别是美国的斗争。如此一来,中印边境自卫反击,不仅给印度政府和领导人上了一课,也重创了其反动民族主义的嚣张气焰,克制了苏联,再次警告美国状态。正如麦克斯韦所说。 “对印度的有效军事打击将能够在两种不同的棋局中击败对方军队。”


1962年7月,他指出:要争取正确认识世界中印边境斗争的是非问题,赢得我们广大人民特别是中间派的同情和支持。 不是很清楚,分不清谁对谁错。中国边防人员始终保持极大的克制和包容,这让国际社会看到了中国和平解决中印边界问题的真诚态度和立场。当中国被迫进行自卫反击,边防部队在首战中取得胜利时,中国政府立即发表了和平解决中印边界问题的三项建议的声明,再次使国际社会更加清醒地认识到中国政府坚定不移追求和平的决心和解决边界问题的诚意,使国际社会进一步了解了中国的原则立场,从而扩大了中国的政治影响力,赢得了国际社会的同情,创造了有利的为中印边境自卫反击的顺利进行提供了国际条件。 .



面对印军在中印边境挑起的武装冲突,以及中印边境日益紧张的局势,中国军队是否会进行自卫反击?什么时候是自卫反击的时候?毛泽东确实有很多想法。据身边工作人员回忆,为了在打与不打之间做出选择,毛泽东10多天没睡好觉。他反复考虑出兵的利弊,多次召开会议,召集其他党中央领导和总参谋部。 ,外交部和一线部队领导听取了他们的意见。



1962年10月,“古巴导弹危机”爆发。美苏一时不和,世界的目光都被吸引到了过去。美国一时无暇顾及中印边境事务,苏联也暂时改变了对中印边境武装冲突的态度和立场,以牵制中国与美国打交道。毛泽东觉得,反击入侵中国边境的印军的时机已经成熟。因此,他决定抓住这个有利的战略机遇,反击印军。 1962年10月17日,毛泽东主持会议,决定在中印边境进行自卫反击。当天中午,中央军委发布了《歼灭入侵印军作战令》。

毛泽东后来回忆了在中央工作会议上下定决心进行中印边境自卫反击战的过程:“当初你要打,我不打死了。在西部的加勒万河上,总理,少奇同志,小平同志,罗瑞清同志,他们真要打,我不能说,他们欺负我们这么厉害,我说,让他欺负,不行不管怎样。你可以和我们战斗三年。你看,从 1959 年、1959 年、1960 年、1961 年、1962 年开始,我们已经四年了,我们才反击。”



毛泽东既然决定自卫反击,就认为如果打仗,就必须“打得狠,打得狠”。 1962年10月6日,中国人民解放军总参谋部向参演部队转达了毛泽东的这一指示:“印军若攻击我,必将重创。除东线备战西藏外,西线会攻击我,也要配合,如果他攻击,不仅会被击退,还会被狠狠地打。”

“痛打痛打”就是给印度政府和军队一定的震慑和威慑,让他们感到恐惧和恐惧,从而改变态度和立场,回归和平之路。因此,在这次边防自卫反击战中,毛泽东慎重权衡,是选择大打、中打还是小打。他认为,如果选择打仗,不仅会直接导致中印敌对状态,在中国西南建立敌人,而且在中印边界问题上也有悖于中国的原则。 但是,如果选择打小游戏,就无法威慑印度政府和军队,很可能会让印度更加嚣张,也会让中国被动。因此,毛泽东决定把战略定位点放在中心位置,即采取强有力的军事行动,对印度侵略者进行惩戒和教训,从而真正唤醒印度尼赫鲁政府,同时避免双方的仇恨。

根据毛泽东的指示,从1962年10月20日起,中国边防部队在中印边境东西两段同时进行自卫反击。从战斗开始到23日,毛泽东和周恩来都在研究作战计划和部署。第一阶段行动结束后,在西段,中国边防部队彻底清除了印军在华设置的43个侵略据点;在东段,他们赶走了入侵柯杰朗、达旺等地的印军。 随后,1月16日至21日,中国边防部队先后击退了侵入西山口、本迪拉、瓦容、班公洛、里米金地区的印军,向非法“迈克”马洪线以南地区挺进传统的习惯路线,打败了参加二战的印军精锐。印军惨败的消息在印度首都新德里引起强烈震动,对印度政界和军界重要官员造成沉重打击。




The establishment of this limited strategic goal shows that the Sino-Indian border self-defense counterattack is not to completely conquer the other side, let alone occupy its territory, but to teach the other side a lesson so that they can understand China's attitude and attitude on the border issue.位置。 In a word, it is to tell the other party that Chinese people are not easy to be provoked, and there is a price to be paid if you are in a hurry. At the same time, it is necessary to grasp the fire of military operations, not to rush India, and to prevent the expansion and escalation of the war. Because once the war expands and escalates, the consequences will be unimaginable. The determination of limited strategic objectives provides a fundamental guarantee for preventing the expansion and escalation of wars.

Secondly, strictly limit the combat scope. In order to be able to control the scale and intensity of the war and prevent the expansion and escalation of the war, Mao Zedong consciously limited the combat scope of the Chinese frontier troops and the number of troops, troops, and arms participating in the war, thereby limiting the Sino-Indian border self-defense counterattack to a certain amount. within the range.

One is to impose strict restrictions on the area for counterattack operations. Judging from the situation of the two sides before the war, China is fully capable and confident of hitting the traditional national border in one fell swoop, and can even hit the territory of India to chase down and wipe out the remaining enemies, and teach the Indian army a lesson. However, Mao Zedong believes that the counterattack against the Indian border is not like fighting on the domestic battlefield. While striving to achieve the purpose of teaching the other side, military operations must be kept in moderation, limited to a certain area, and cannot be expanded indefinitely. Therefore, in the first stage of the self-defense counterattack operation, Mao Zedong asked the Chinese frontier troops participating in the counterattack operation to stop the pursuit after Dawang, Dongxinqiao, Wanong and other places were laid down on the eastern front. In the direction of the western front, the Chinese frontier guards are required to not take the initiative to exchange fire with the Indian army after they strive to clear the stronghold of the Indian army in China north of Barrigas. When the self-defense counterattack entered the second stage, Mao Zedong demanded that the Chinese frontier troops on the east and west fronts could only hit the traditional national border, and resolutely did not allow cross-border pursuit.

The second is to strictly limit the number of troops, troops, and arms that can participate in the war. With an opponent like India, to fight a war of limited scale and intensity in the Sino-Indian border area, how many troops should be used and which troops should participate in the war? Mao Zedong also, after repeated thinking, decided to send only the frontier defense forces of the Xinjiang and Tibet military regions for counterattack operations, with the army and infantry as the main force. When the air force of the other side did not participate in the war, the Chinese side did not use it first, so as to achieve "preparation". Don't use it." Since the area of ​​counterattack operations and the number of troops participating in the war, as well as the army and arms, have been strictly limited, positive conditions have been created for preventing the expansion and escalation of the war.

Third, science should grasp the progress of war. From the two aspects of combat time and combat rhythm, Mao Zedong scientifically grasped the process of the Sino-Indian border self-defense counterattack operation: effectively steered the war situation to the development of our side. The length of the war duration is the core of grasping the war process. Mao Zedong successfully limited the time for China and India to fight back in self-defense. The entire war took only a month, and the speed of the process and the short duration were completely unexpected.

Mao Zedong also paid attention to the adjustment and control of the combat rhythm, so as to achieve a degree of relaxation. After the first stage of the counterattack operation, Mao Zedong instructed the Chinese border guards to stop the pursuit in order to observe the attitude of the Indian side. When the Indian government rejected the Chinese government's three proposals for a peaceful settlement of the Sino-Indian border and attempted to expand the war, he thought it necessary to teach the Indian government and army a bigger lesson. As a result, the Chinese border guards concentrated on the eastern front. The superior force beat the invading Indian army hard. In this way, it not only taught the Indian invaders a great lesson, but also failed the attempts of the United States and the Soviet Union to intervene in the war.

Fourth, take the initiative to end the war in a timely manner. Timely and proactively ending wars is of great importance to preventing wars from expanding and escalating. In guiding the Sino-Indian border self-defense counterattack, Mao Zedong properly grasped the timing and method of ending the war. After two stages of self-defense counterattacks, the Chinese frontier troops achieved a major victory. The eastern section was forced near the line of traditional customs, and the western section recovered the occupied territories. At that time, not only many people in the country advocated continuing to fight. Moreover, the international community also generally believes that China will take advantage of the victory to pursue.

However, on the afternoon of November 19, 1962, when Mao Zedong read from the "References" of the day, both the Indian Prime Minister and the President said in their speeches on the 18th that they hoped to resolve the Sino-Indian border conflict through peaceful negotiations. He immediately instructed: "Suddenly talking about a peaceful solution. Send it to the Prime Minister for reading. Please ask the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to study whether the Indian leaders have made such an argument on the 18th in the past few days." He seized this opportunity and resolutely made a statement. This is a bold decision without precedent: when the Chinese border guards succeeded in the self-defense counterattack, they took the initiative to implement a ceasefire across the entire line, and took the initiative to retreat 20 kilometers from the Line of Actual Control.

According to Mao Zedong's instructions, at 0:00 on January 21st, the Chinese government issued a statement, solemnly announcing: (一)From the day after this statement was issued, that is, from 0:00 on November 2, 1962, the Chinese border defense The troops ceased fire along the entire Sino-Indian border. (二)From December 1, 1962, the Chinese border troops will retreat 20 kilometers from the Line of Actual Control between China and India on January 7, 1959 (三)In order to ensure the normal exchanges of people in the Sino-Indian border area, prevent the activities of saboteurs and maintain the order of the border, China will set up checkpoints at several locations on this side of the actual control line, and each checkpoint will be equipped with A certain number of police officers.

This statement of the Chinese government surprised the whole world. A foreign newspaper commented that the statement of the Chinese government surprised the whole world because there has never been a victorious country in the history of mankind. The army made such an expression entirely out of its own principles and policy of peace, when it was about to bring its enemy to a crushing defeat. Facts have proved that Mao Zedong's decision was correct, and it played an important role in preventing the expansion and escalation of the war.

After the self-defense counterattack on the Sino-Indian border, Mao Zedong pointed out when he listened to the report of the front-line commander: "After a battle on the Sino-Indian border, we can achieve border stability for ten years." More than 40 years later, the Sino-Indian border has remained relatively stable. History has fully proved Mao Zedong's foresight, and also proved that Mao Zedong's strategic guidance for this war was successful and wise. Today, reviewing Mao Zedong's strategic guidance for this war will undoubtedly have some enlightenment for guiding future local wars under high-tech conditions.