



In addition, the division is also equipped with Javelin anti-tank 180 missile launchers, 36 Avenger air defense missile systems, 24 improved "Vulcan" antiaircraft guns, 72 155mm self-propelled howitzers, 9 multiple rocket launchers, 66 107mm mortars, 90mm seatless 24大炮中国机械化步兵师图片,1,112 40mm手榴弹发射器,484 1 2. 7mm三脚架重型机枪,966 7.

I think that if China wants to equip such a unit, the money will not only be spent on the equipment, but also on the quality of the personnel, so the equipment should not wait for others.

So this kind of money should be an astronomical figure, and just having money may not necessarily be able to build it up!