
















四要落实重大战略,扎实开展各项工作,推动军民融合深入发展。深入学习领会习近平总书记关于军民融合发展的重要战略思想,深入贯彻落实全省“十三五”经济建设和国防建设一体化发展规划,确保军民融合发展各项任务落到实处。 ——深入发展军民融合。继续关注和支持国防和军队后续改革,积极帮助解决问题,为河南改革强军作出贡献。









通知指出,驻豫部队要牢记为人民服务的根本宗旨,充分利用部队资源优势,深入参与脱贫攻坚工作,大力支持地方保障和改善民生,扎实开展精准扶贫和精准扶贫,对口帮扶 帮村帮扶,解决一些生产生活中的实际困难。努力为当地群众办好事、办实事、解难​​,组织医疗队深入驻地农村社区开展志愿巡视、送医送药等活动,保障群众健康。群众。关爱残疾人、空巢老人、留守儿童等特殊群体,着力解决他们的燃眉之急。配合居民开展人居环境改善工作,做好绿化美化工作,为建设美丽河南贡献力量。积极参与建立安全和谐民族团结进步,协助维护机场、车站等春节交通秩序,勇于承担抢险救灾和抢险救灾任务,营造良好社会为人们安全、愉快地庆祝节日提供环境。








通知强调,各级要结合走访慰问,利用新媒体新平台,大力宣传习近平中国特色社会主义思想,宣传强国强军伟大成就,宣传务实举措省委省政府全力支持军队,推动双创 拥抱劳动时代典型,凝练“新时代奋发有为,共筑中国梦”的明确定位。把解决官兵家庭困难、解除官兵后顾之忧作为活动的重要内容,生产生活服务到位,困难家庭救助到位,法律问题帮扶落实到位,使探访慰问能有效解困,暖心军民,促进和谐。具体操作。










2017年,新成立的军分区积极适应新的职能使命要求,与市委、市政府共同打造“商丘好兵”品牌,大力推进全市精神文明建设,年度招聘工作。新年伊始,军地四部门联合发文,表彰100名“商丘好兵”。荣誉现役军人来自全军和武警部队的不同岗位。其中有在军事比赛中获得金牌、银牌的顶尖学员,有参加国际维和、抢险救灾的模范英雄,有扎根基层、为基层做出贡献的先进个人。 .






张锦涛2003年12月入伍后,发誓要扎根军营,练就杀敌本领,努力成为新时代的领军人物。经过十多年的艰苦奋斗,现任第80集团军特种作战旅连长。第一课2次,第二课3次,第三课4次。 2015年参加全国劳动模范和先进工作者表彰大会,受到军委习主席的亲切接见。



军民联传喜讯 荣耀家园更荣耀


“你的孩子在军队中做了三等功,我们给你传来一个好消息!” 1月23日上午,东部战区某旅党委副书记李晨、河南省汝州市小屯镇人武部部长张兴洲到尹亚鹏家镇周庄村科室士官,将一块金色的三等喜讯牌匾递给尹亚鹏和他的父亲尹占超。尹展超欣喜地看着儿子尹亚鹏的喜讯。

尹亚鹏,1988年11月出生,2007年12月大学毕业入伍,现为东部战区73636部队中士。从军10年来,殷亚鹏苦练军功,多次参加原南京军区和东部战区的对抗演练,在部队完成多项科研项目,成绩突出重大军事活动成绩,被军队党委授予三等功。 .


As the Spring Festival is approaching, Li Chen, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Brigade, and Zhang Xingzhou, Minister of Armed Forces of Xiaotun Town, Ruzhou City, brought condolences to Yin Yapeng's house to visit Yin Yapeng's house.

At Yin Yapeng's house, Li Chen tightly held Yin Zhanchao's hand and said, "Thank you for sending an excellent talent to the army. I hope you and your family will continue to care and support the construction of the army as always, and continue to encourage your son to train hard in the army. Strive to make new contributions."

(Shuangyong Office of Ruzhou City)

Dedication and good news to the hometown of supporting the army and the family with strong affection

——Yongcheng People's Armed Forces Department and Civil Affairs Bureau condolences to the families of active military personnel who have made meritorious contributions and received awards

On the morning of January 30, firecrackers and gongs and drums blared in Zhangdazhuang Village, Chengxiang Township, Yongcheng City. Minister of the Armed Forces Lin Qinghua, Director He Zhiguo of the 92313 Unit, Sun Jiamin, Deputy Director of the Civil Affairs Bureau, Chen Hui, Director of the Shuangyong Office, Wang Can, Secretary of the Chengxiang Township Party Committee, and Wen Yongjie, the Township Head, brought good news, condolences and condolences for meritorious service. Zhang Baojia, an active soldier who has been awarded second-class meritorious service, visited and expressed his condolences.

In Zhang Bao's house, Minister Lin Qinghua and Secretary Wang Can inquired about the family life of the military family members in detail, and sent him the good news of meritorious service, the second-class military medal, condolences and 5,000 yuan of condolences, thanking them for their service to the army. , has cultivated excellent military talents for the motherland, and sent them the cordial care of the party and the government, as well as holiday greetings and blessings.

Zhang Bao, a native of Chengxiang Township, Yongcheng City, Henan Province, was born in March 1985, joined the army in September 2002, and joined the Party in December 2003. He is currently the deputy captain of a certain regiment of the Naval Aviation University, a first-class naval pilot, and the rank of major. The comrade is the first batch of fighter pilots independently trained by the Navy, the first batch of "Double-Bachelor" fighter pilots in the Navy, and the first batch of fighter pilots trained independently by the Navy. In recent years, he has been flying safely for more than 1,600 hours. He has been rated as an excellent teacher and an excellent Communist Party member many times. He has participated in the compilation of more than 10 training materials for a certain type of naval aircraft, and participated in the editing and revision of the Navy's "New Outline" for this aircraft type. He made outstanding contributions during the trial training of the "New Outline" of the aircraft model, and was awarded the second-class merit and the third-class merit.

(Yongcheng Double Support Office)

The three companies jointly send good news and the glorious family is more glorious

——Luyi County Government, the County People's Armed Forces Department, and Army 71282 troops came to send the good news

On the morning of January 29, the festive sound of firecrackers and the roar of gongs and drums made Duji Village, Zhangdian Town, Luyi County, Henan Province lively. The leaders of the Luyi County Government, the County People's Armed Forces Department, and the Army's 71282 Army made a special trip to the home of Hou Guoling, a deputy political instructor and second-class hero of a certain department, and sent a good news of meritorious service and 5,000 yuan of condolences. Hou Guoling's father, Hou Tongyi, held his son's good news of meritorious deeds in his hand, with a smile on his face: "My son has received awards for his meritorious service in the army 8 times, and every time his family received the good news and bonuses in time. Good news, this is the first time I've seen it, and the neighbors are envious. The child has won great honor for our family. I must tell my son to work hard in the army and not fail the government, the Ministry of Armed Forces and

The expectations of the folks! "

Hou Guoling joined the army in 2004, participated in 33 large-scale martial arts competitions, won 37 medals, and was commended as "Advanced Individual in the International Special Forces Competition", "The Army Loves the Army's Fine Weapons Model", and "The Army's Excellent Investigation Commander" Member", won the first-class merit 2 times, the second-class merit 1 time, and the third-class merit 5 times. After learning about this situation, the Luyi County People's Armed Forces Department immediately coordinated with the leaders of the army, the county government, and the county civil affairs bureau to go to Hou Guoling's home and sent the good news and condolences, so that their families felt the glory of the military.

In order to create a strong atmosphere that makes the "House of Glory" truly glorious and allows young people of school age to see "the real glory of being a soldier and the true glory of meritorious service", the Luyi County People's Armed Forces Department actively coordinated the army and the local government to solidly carry out the "Three Homes" The "Jointly Send Good News, Glorious Family Is More Glorious" activity, to send good news, condolences, and condolences to the families of active military personnel who have won the third-class merit award in the county. The positive energy of learning from heroes, caring for military family members, and supporting national defense has greatly stimulated the sense of honor and pride of military family members.

The Luyi County Government, the County People's Armed Forces Department and the leaders of the army together presented the second-class merit bonus and New Year's picture calendar to Hou Guoling's family, and replaced the newly made "Glorious Family" plaque. Hou Guoling said excitedly: "I will definitely live up to the ardent hopes of my hometown leaders, the leaders of the People's Armed Forces Department, the army leaders and my family, and continue to do my job well and strive to make new contributions."

(Shuangyong Office of Luyi County)

Strengthen the actual combat military training to build the power of the elite country

——The Xixia People's Armed Forces Department organized a camping training for member units of the National Movement Committee

From January 23rd, a rare blizzard suddenly landed in western Henan, and the blizzard that lasted for several days was

Camp training provides a rare "real combat environment". The Xixia County People's and Armed Forces Department seized this good opportunity to train troops and organized nearly 50 people from more than 10 National Movement Commission members, including the departments of the People's and Armed Forces Department, specialized military cadres, and national development and reform, transportation, finance, health, civil affairs, and civil air defense, to conduct a one-week winter. Camping training, training military, security, skills, and style in the background of actual combat, improves the ability to prepare and win.

It is the first time at the county level in our province to organize member units of the National Movement Commission to participate in camping training. Zhu Peilun, political commissar of the People’s Armed Forces Department of Xixia County, introduced the original intention of organizing member units of the National Movement Commission to participate in the training: After the implementation of the military reform, the Central Military Commission gave the National Movement System six functions. As a member of the local National Movement Committee, how to get familiar with the new functions as soon as possible Mission, enter the role as soon as possible? Combined with the training, we decomposed several topics for each unit, so that everyone can think about it, and go to the "battle


Find the answer on the field" and hand in the test paper in the "practice".

Through a week of training, a total of 15 practical subject exercises were completed, three practical seminars were organized, 6 seminar articles with practical value were completed, and 6 pre-support mechanisms were supplemented and improved.

(Xixia County Shuangyong Office)